
Raspberry Banana Overnight Oats

Raspberry Banana Overnight Oats

Makes 2 bowls.
5 minute prep time.
5 minute cook time (if preferred to eat warm).

This recipe has become a weekly staple in our house. It takes a simple few minutes to prep in the evening for a ready-made, nourishing and energy-providing breakfast.

The raspberry banana is a classic breakfast flavour, while the dark chocolate just slightly melts over the warmed oats and creates a dessert vibe in a healthy comfort bowl.

Get your kids involved in making this one, our girl loves to “shake, shake, shake” up the jar!


  • 1 cup organic rolled oats
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1 tbsp. maple syrup
  • 1 1/3 cup oat milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 banana, chopped
  • Dark chocolate chips (for garnish)


  1. Combine oats, chia seeds, syrup, and oat milk in a large mason jar. Add raspberries. Shake it up and place in the fridge overnight.
  2. In the morning, add oatmeal to a small pot or saucepan and stir several times on medium heat until warmed through (about 5 mins). If you’re on the go or prefer to eat it chilled, skip this step.
  3. Divide among two bowls (they will be large bowls, roughly 1 cup each – this makes just enough to feed us two adults + babe). Top with bananas and chocolate.
  4. Enjoy!

Experiment with your own fruit preferences and other toppings, like nuts, seeds, or dried fruit. There are so many possible combos with overnight oats!

Our mini waiting for her mixed berry oatmeal!

Plant Points: 4.

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